Rowena’s 70th Birthday

Help us celebrate

Rowena’s 70th Birthday

As Rowena’s 70th birthday approaches, she feels incredibly blessed to have so many wonderful people in her life. This year, in lieu of traditional gifts, she would love to invite you to contribute to her One Gift Wonder Campaign. Rowena has everything she needs, and what truly matters to her is the time shared with those she loves. Your contribution to the campaign will go towards a gift of Rowena’s choosing and also, 25% of the funds collected will go towards supporting the Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group. It would mean so much to Rowena and her family and would be a beautiful way to celebrate this special milestone. Thank you for considering this heartfelt request — your presence and support are the greatest gift of all. Looking forward to celebrating with you!

This campaign is accepting contributions until
09 Feb 2025

25% of the funds collected from this One Gift Wonder campaign will be donated to our nominated charity:

Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group


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Payment gateway fees of 1.75% + 30c apply to each contribution.

Contribution Total: $100.00

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